Premier WordPress Development Services

Premier Wordpress Development Company

Web Site Development

Premier WordPress Development Services

Business nowadays has largely moved to the online arena, there’s no doubt about it. The advent of e-commerce websites, as well as business websites offering services online has been on the rise and is not showing signs of slowing down.

If you are a business owner, creating a fast, agile, and functional website is a must. Our WordPress development services is just the thing you need. Breitner Digital develops premium quality WordPress websites with custom functionalities tailored to your specific needs.

Breitner Digital is an agile young company with plenty to prove and a desire and know-how to create the WordPress websites for the 21st century. Whether you are in need of a simple presentation website, or a complex e-commerce WordPress website, we are the right choice. Couple this service with our trusty SEO services, and you can ensure that your new website has everything it needs to grow and outpace the competition.

Our In-House WordPress Development

A website is essentially your business’ calling card. Not only does it have to represent the business itself, have that unique property that makes your business special, it also needs to be functional and serve all the regular purposes, like giving information about your services, where to find you, how to contact you, how to buy from you, etc.

The balance between a personal calling card and a business tool is sometimes hard to strike, but with a reliable WordPress development company, this can be easy to achieve. Breitner Digital offers web development, but also web design services to complement this service.

Combined, these two services ensure that your website accurately represents your business while also ensuring that the website runs smooth with all the functionality required of a modern commercial website.

Why Custom WordPress Development?

Creating a website is simple enough, there are tutorials online how you can set up a website in a matter of days. However, to create a truly custom and unique website, you need more than simple coding skills – you need vision. This is what we can offer you.

Gone is the time for simple, identical websites. To truly stand out from your competition, and to really serve your needs, you want a custom WordPress website. Custom websites don’t rely on scripts and pre-made solutions. These websites are coded from scratch to ensure that your website has every functionality you need, with none of the drawbacks of waiting for a plugin or a script to load.

Loading speed is one of the most important metrics that users (and search engines like Google) pay attention to when deciding whether a website is worth visiting or not. Our experience with custom code and passion for minimal extraneous features will ensure that your website runs smoothly, fast, and most importantly, that it is easy to use and navigate.

There are a few key features that you are getting when you opt for a custom WordPress website:

  • Unparalleled Website Security
    One of the key benefits of custom code is that it is not easy to crack with traditional methods. The security of your business is greatly enhanced if you opt for a custom website.

  • Fast and Intuitive website
    Custom WordPress websites have the benefit of only having features that are necessary (more can be added as needed). This kind of light websites run much smoother and faster compared to other WordPress websites, and especially websites built on other commercially available CMS.

  • Following SEO Guidelines
    SEO is hugely important to commercial websites – getting traffic to your website takes a bit of work, but you can help your website by making a fast and agile website with concise and intuitive architecture.

Kinds of Custom WordPress Development Services

Not all websites require the full custom WordPress development service treatment. If you already have a website, and only need some sprucing up, Breitner Digital offers a variety of other services as well.

Custom theme development

Creating a custom WordPress theme can shorten the time required for a website to be developed, but it also sacrifices some of the functionality. The process is relatively straightforward. Once the layout has been determined, the structure of the website needs to be established and the theme coded. Once finished, the code can be tested and implemented to an already existing website, or set up on a completely new website.

WordPress Customization

If you are not comfortable with complex code and want a more straightforward option, but you still do want to have some unique features and appearance, WordPress customization might be the best solution for you.

Customization of the website depends on your needs and desires. It can range from simply adjusting certain elements, to complete redesigning and coding themes, plugins and widgets on your website. This is an intermediary solution between creating a fully custom website and a traditional WordPress website.

Plugin development

Another option for people who are content with a traditional WordPress website, but do want to have some unique features of functionality is developing a custom WordPress plugin.

Plugins are small pieces of code that alter or add functionalities to a standard WordPress website.

There are numerous WordPress plugins used daily by millions of websites worldwide. From Yoast, used for SEO purposes, to Wordfence for increased security, there are countless pre-existing plugins out there. However, if you want truly unique and functional plugin, custom development is the best option.

HTML to WordPress

The internet is built on HTML code. This is the language all computers understand and how the internet functions. But it does have one drawback – it’s not easy to understand for regular people.

This is why content management systems or CMS are so useful and ubiquitous. WordPress is by far the most common and the most robust option out there, but there are others, such as SquareSpace, Joomla, etc.

If your website is built with HTML (typically older websites), and you want to keep the exact look and feel of the website, it is possible to keep the front end appearance as is, while the website is migrated to WordPress for easier management and optimization options.

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Frequently Asked Questions

WordPress development services are businesses specializing in creating, optimizing and managing websites in WordPress. WordPress itself is a content management system or CMS for short. Thanks to its versatility and modularity, it is by far the most popular CMS in the world. Some estimates put it between at 40-60% of all websites being built on it.
A WordPress development services covers a range of services from fully developing a full WordPress website, to developing WordPress themes and plugins, to website management and optimization.

Even though WordPress is a useful and fast platform, it is not fully optimized out of the box. You are going to have to put in some effort into setting the website up and customizing it to ensure the optimal speed, functionality and features. This is what custom WordPress development services offer – a custom website with features necessary to your business. While it may be more costly and take more time to create, a fully custom WordPress website will run smoothly and quickly. For a commercial website, a fast and intuitive performance can be the difference between success and a potential customer leaving in frustration.

Coding a website from scratch is possible. This is how early websites were created, and it is still an option. You don’t have to use WordPress or any other CMS. However, the benefits of a WordPress website are undeniable.
WordPress can give your website the functionality it needs without the need to code everything (it can take a very, very long time to do so), while also giving you the speed your website should have in order to attract and keep customers. And with custom WordPress development, you can have the best of both options – highly customizable layout and functions with the lightweight that WordPress offers.

Breitner Digital offers a full suite of WordPress development services. Whether it is the full website development from scratch that you want or just a custom WordPress theme to apply to your existing website, we have the expertise to help you.
Similarly, if you need to add a functionality to your website, custom WordPress plugins are our expertise. Reach out to us, and we can discuss how best to help you.

This is a deceptively simple question. While a simple WordPress website can be developed and uploaded in a matter of hours, the more complex the website, the longer it will take to design, develop, test and deploy it it is. A truly custom website takes anywhere between a few weeks and a few months to fully develop and deploy. Like with most things in life, quality takes time, effort, and expertise. Breitner Digital offers quality WordPress development services. If this is what you’re looking for, contact us today.

Breitner Digital is a company of integrity. We guarantee that our products are of high quality and are willing to stand by our word. The amount of post-completion support depends on the type of service you sign up for. If you opt to have our team manage and update your website as you grow your business, we will be happy to grow together with your business. On the other hand, if you want us to give you the reins of your business right after completion, we will part ways with you with the knowledge that we gave you all the tools you need to succeed in the online commercial space.